Firefox private browsing not working
Firefox private browsing not working

firefox private browsing not working

information stored server-side is unaffected, IP-based tracking techniques can still identify a computer using private browsing.However, there are some important caveats to this: All information about that session is discarded.

firefox private browsing not working

Once you’re done browsing in the private window, you can just close it. It’s also why this mode is helpful! Instead of having to clear your browser cache, which can involve wading through several layers of settings windows, you can open a new “private” window and achieve the same effect.

firefox private browsing not working

Errors and misconfigurations held in cookies or cached files will no longer apply. Private browsing gives you a “fresh start” with a web page in case something has gone wrong. Private browsing as a troubleshooting step Privacy mode ignores pre-existing cookies and cache files and puts the new files into a temporary space that is deleted as soon as the private browsing session is closed. Even though they use different names, each is doing essentially the same thing. Google Chrome calls it incognito window, Mozilla Firefox refers to it as private window, and Apple Safari calls it a privacy mode. It is very useful, though, for troubleshooting web site or browser issues. Most modern browsers offer a feature called “privacy mode.” It is touted as a privacy feature, though there are caveats and limitations.

Firefox private browsing not working